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What are the causes of Impotence and why is Potencialex the best Supplement?

Mental (psychological) Reasons All sorts of factors, such as stress, anxiety, worry, and fear of failure reduce erectile function. Most of the time, problems in the relationship with the Wife or girlfriend are the cause of psychologically induced impotence. It is not the body that does not work, but the psyche: if you think too much during sex, the erection often fails to materialize. Every man has a phase of psychological impotence in his life. This form of impotence is temporary and actually quite normal. This is called fear of failure: the man is afraid of not getting an erection […]

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How does Potencialex help against Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED), is when a man can’t get or maintain a firm enough erection to have sex. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by many factors, including psychological ones. Potencialex does not cause side effects, thanks to its incredible natural ingredients: Potencialex Forte Anxiety about Sexual Performance Men can suffer from anxiety about sexual performance. Men can worry about their sexual performance and whether their partner will love them enough. These fears can lead to erectile dysfunction in the worst cases. Anxiety like this can trigger the body to release stress hormones such as adrenaline or noradrenaline. These hormones cause blood vessels to contract […]

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Mental Erectile Dysfunction: What is it and why does it happen?

Erectile dysfunction is when a man experiences difficulty in achieving and maintaining a full sexual experience with penetration. If there is no obvious organic reason for impotence, it is considered psychological. It is not due to advancing age, nor to any association with other pathologies like diabetes or cardiovascular problems. The urologist may ask for some information during a consultation to determine if the man has psychogenic erectile disorder. It Abruptly Starts The man was enjoying a happy sexual life, but then he experienced an erection stoppage and began to fail.  Potencialex is the best natural supplement against Impotence: Potencialex Original […]

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Can Erectile Dysfunction be treated with Potencialex?

Erectile dysfunction can occur for many reasons. While Viagra is an effective treatment, it’s not always the best option. Psychologically-induced erectile dysfunction is when a man experiences problems with his erection. This can happen for many reasons. Taking Viagra isn’t the only option. Therapy can be a great way to overcome impotence. Try Potencialex and you will notice the difference instantly: Potencialex Test There are many Psychological Reasons The psyche can interfere with a man’s ability and desire to love. Stress is just one. Fears, relationships problems, depression, and guilt are all possible. Sometimes men feel too pressure. Some men are addicted to porn, and their […]

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Erectile Dysfunction: What Can You Do?

Doctors refer to erectile dysfunction as erectile dysfunction. There are many causes. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical as well as psychological factors. These factors are closely linked. Erectile dysfunction and depression are two examples. They can be triggered, perpetuated, or even exacerbated by each other. About 10% of the affected are affected by erectile dysfunction due to psychological factors. Erectile dysfunction is more common in young men. Erectile problems that are psychologically caused are easily treated. Potencialex contains amazing natural ingredients, which is what makes it so effective against Impotence: Potencialex Forte What is the Relationship between Head and Erection Many people don’t know […]

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How does Potencialex cure Impotence?

Researchers insert growth factors genes into injured penile nerves. So, impotent male rats can regain their virility. Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a common consequence of prostate cancer surgery. Patients often have sexual problems because the nerve pathways leading to the penis were damaged in surgery. If the stimulation is not transmitted, the erection does not occur. Potency pills are not effective in such cases. Joseph Gloriosa, a University of Pittsburgh researcher, has now developed a promising method for animal experiments. They altered herpes virus genes, which can trigger cold sores. These endogenous substances can cause the regeneration of penile nerves, among other […]

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